
Welcome Year 7 to

Milford Haven School

Welcome to Milford Haven School. We understand that the move from primary to secondary school can be a daunting time for young people. That is why we host numerous events, both face to face and online, throughout the year before you come to school with us in September. 

These events include taster lessons in a wide range of subjects (inc. Maths, English, Science, Languages, Technology), activities, invitations to dance and drama performances, plus tours of our main school site.

It is nice to know as much as possible about your new school so that when you arrive in September you are prepared. This is why we have created you your very own Transition Website. Use this page to take a look around the subjects you will be learning, the after school activities that you can book, find out how to purchase food in the canteen and more. 

Transition Support

If you need support throughout your transition period Miss Reynolds (Assistant Head) and Mr Butland (Transition Lead) are available to support you and answer any questions. 


During your time in Milford Haven School you will belong to one of the four Houses. Daring, Defender, Diamond and Dragon. Each house has a Head of House who will be available to support you through school. The houses are in constant competition for the House Cup, who will win during your first year? Earn Class Chart Points to help your house to victory. Click on the house logos below to find out more information about each house. 





Getting To School

However you travel to school, it is important that you arrive safely. Below are some hints and tips you can follow depending on how you travel.


Pupils are issued with a bus pass if they make an application to Pembrokeshire County Council which can be submitted online HERE.  The buses that serve our school are Evans Coaches (01646 692963) – route numbers 567, 569, 570, 575 and PCC (01437 890230) – route numbers 318 (public service bust), 560, 576. There is a timetable on the Pembrokeshire County Council Website HERE. Exemplary behaviour is expected on the journey to and from school at all times. 

If you get a lift to school with a parent there are two places in which you can get dropped off. Our Steynton entrance has very limited parking and so is encouraged to be a drop off zone only. Our Thornton entrance features a visitor car park. Parents/carers are please asked not to park in the taxi/drop off area or park in the staff car park.



If you are looking for a healthy and environmentally friendly way to get to school then walking is a great idea. If you are walking to school, it is always a good idea to walk with a friend or another pupil who lives in your area. Remember to follow the Green Cross Code at all times in order to make your journey as safe as possible.


Just like walking, riding a bike is a healthy and environmentally friendly way to get to school. There is a bike shelter located at the bottom of Thornton car park. Bicycles left in the shelter are done so at the pupils own risk. We always recommend using a bike lock to secure them in place before you enter the school. Bikes and scooters are not permitted on school site. They  must be left in the space provided. 


Finding your way around

The thought of navigating your way around a new school might be scary, but don’t worry if you get lost, there are lots of friendly pupils and staff that you can ask for directions. Below is a map showing you everywhere you should need to be in the first few weeks of school.


At Milford Haven School you will be taught within seven Areas of Learning or AOLE’s. Alongside these exciting subjects you will take part in HWB lessons, Outdoor Learning and have opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities.

Additional Learning Needs

Moving from primary to secondary school can be a daunting prospect for Year 6 ALN pupils. To help reduce anxieties pupils may have; and maintain the achievements of primary school, Milford Haven School has developed a comprehensive transition plan. We aim to ensure all pupils with ALN moving through the key stages have the relevant information and enriching experiences for them to successfully move from primary school , through to Milford Haven Secondary School. 

The programme begins in Year 6 with our staff working closely with our cluster primary schools on a range of activities designed to help pupils get to know us and the school better.

We also hold an Open Evening which aims to provide a detailed introduction to the school for potential pupils and their families. Parents and carers are welcome to come and ask questions and there will be current Year 7 students helping to show them round to talk about their experiences of moving to secondary education. 

We also offer enhanced level of transition for those who we feel would benefit from this. This may take the form of additional visits for pupils, one-to-one/small group working with secondary school staff or pupil mentoring from our school. The period of transition depends on the individual needs of the pupil and resources.

If it is felt appropriate, secondary school colleagues will attend Person Centred Reviews to meet the current class teacher, parents and most importantly the pupil. We have found this strategy particularly useful in easing any worries or concerns parents and pupils may have.

We are particularly keen to involve parents/carers as much as possible in their child’s transition to secondary school. 

Outdoor Learning

In September 2023 we launched our Outdoor Learning Space – Yr Ardd Ddysgu. All pupils across the school will have the opportunity to access this area as part of their lessons. Click the logo above to see our outdoor learning journey. 


There are lots of ways to enjoy extra-curricular activities at Milford Haven School. We have our E5 Enrichment Activities that take place during break times and afterschool as well as our Wellbeing Friday clubs. Click the logos below to find out more.

Break & lunch

What time?

You will have two breaks a day Monday to Thursday and one break on a Friday. Monday to Thursday break 1 will be at 11.25am – 11.55am and break 2 is at 1.45pm – 2.10pm. On a Friday break 1 will be at 10.55am – 11.25am. 

What to do?

If the weather is nice we have multiple outside spaces you can use to enjoy some fresh air during your break times. If you would prefer to be inside or the weather is poor you can use Steynton Hall to eat your food and then head on up to the Library. Alternatively we have plenty of clubs that take place during break or lunch. Click the link below to access our Enrichment booklet: 
Enrichment Clubs

Where to eat?

You will have three opportunities to eat throughout the school day. The first is at Breakfast Club that takes place in the DT block from 8.20am – 8.40am, here you can grab some toast and a drink before school starts.

The second is during Break 1 and the third during Break 2. You can purchase food from the Canteen, The Hatch or The Pod. We are a cashless school, therefore you do not need to bring money with you, you will purchase your food and drink using your fingerprint. Parents/carers, don’t forget to top up your child’s account in plenty of time as it can take up to 24 hours to show. If you are eligible for free school meals your account will automatically get topped up each day with £2.70.

The canteen staff are very friendly and cook plenty of food that they know our pupils will enjoy. You can buy hot and cold food, including: sandwiches, salads, pasta salads, breakfast baguettes, pizza toast and chips as we as lots of snacks such as cookies, flapjacks, yoghurts and fruit. Keep and eye out for their specials such as ice-cream and slushies when it is warm outside!

Making Friends

Moving to a new school and making new friends can be daunting, but it can also be exciting. There are lots of opportunities for you to make new friends at MHS but if you are a little nervous here are some hints and tips to help you along the way.

Click the images below for some helpful videos from BBC Bitesize. 

Making new friends

Will I lose my old friends?

Struggling to make friends

Our School Values



At MHS, we want our pupils to be ambitious, capable learners, who have the drive and determination to achieve success in every aspect of school life and beyond. We want our pupils to set high standards, seek new challenges and apply a wide range of skills effectively in a variety of familiar and unfamiliar situations.

At MHS, we want our pupils to believe in their abilities, celebrating their strengths and focusing on their areas to improve. We want our pupils to be healthy,  confident and resilient individuals, secure in their mental and emotional wellbeing and be able to form positive relationships based on trust and respect. If you believe it, you can achieve it!

At MHS, we want our pupils to never give up and develop their resilience, so that they can succeed in school and life. We want our pupils to be determined, enterprising and creative when faced with challenges; enabling them to solve problems, take measured risks and give their energy and skills to benefit themselves and others.

At MHS, we want our pupils to be equipped with the skills, knowledge and experiences to manage everyday life as  independently as they can. We want our pupils to be self-reliant, ethically informed citizens, who can find and use evidence to support their views, understand and exercise their human and democratic rights, as well as communicate clearly in a variety of ways.

At MHS, we want our pupils to have the skills, experiences and confidence to be able to take responsibility in a variety of situations. We want our pupils to be informed, empathetic citizens who understand the impact of their actions when making choices, take measured decisions about their lifestyle, keeping themselves and others safe and well; as well as respect the needs and rights of others. 

At MHS, we want our pupils to always strive to succeed in everything they do. We want our pupils to challenge themselves, be inquisitive and participate fully in every activity they do.  Every new success that we reach through our efforts boosts our confidence in ourselves and our abilities. Effort keeps us focused on success and teaches us that we can do more than we thought, supporting us to learn new skills and develop our abilities.

School Rules

I strive to arrive to lessons promptly, equipped and ready for all learning experiences.

I engage respectfully in all learning experiences and environments, demonstrating respect for my own progress and the progress of my peers.

I am safe within my teaching environment, valuing my own wellbeing as well as that of others.


School uniform is to put everyone on an equal footing. It needs to be low cost, comfortable, easy to wash, suitable for work and conform to health and safety rules and to create a sense of belonging to the school community. We don’t allow designer clothes, designer hairstyles such as tramlines, jewellery and make-up.

Please see below a quick glance guide to the MHS uniform or click the photo to take you to our uniform page for more information. 

Need support?

Members of staff are here to help you if you need some extra support. For general help and advice you should speak with your House Tutor or Head of House. However, you may need some specialist support from a specifically trained member of staff. Below are some of the people who are here to help you depending on what you need. Please click their photos to find out what they can help you with.


Miss M Squelch
Safeguarding Lead

Family Engagement

Miss K Bowers
Family Engagement Officer

Young carers

Mrs L Walter-Jones
Young Carer Coordinator

Peer on Peer Support

Sometimes you might find it easier to speak with one of your fellow pupils. That is why we have plenty of options for you to seek out peer on peer support. Any of these groups are available to support you. 

Senior Prefect Team

Senior Prefect Team 
Our team are on hand to help you anytime you need. If you get lost, have any questions about life at MHS they can help you. They are a friendly bunch who are always available for a quick chat. You can see them walking around school in a white shirt and blue tie. Click the link below to meet the team.
Senior Prefect Team


Anti-Bullying Champions
The Anti-Bullying Champions (or ABCS) are a group of your fellow pupils who are available to help with bullying support. If you need to talk to someone and would rather talk to a pupil before a member of staff then please seek out one of the friendly team. You can see them walking around school wearing navy jackets with a yellow ABC on the back.


The MHS Safeguardians are a group of your fellow pupils who are available to offer support if you need it. You can often find them in the Wellbeing Area of the Library during break and lunch. If you feel like you need to talk to someone they are very friendly and always willing to help. You can find them around school wearing navy jackets with a yellow Safeguardian on the back. 

Keep up to date!

Once you are a fully fledged member of the MHS family you will want to keep up to date on all of the exciting things that happen during school life. Your parents will want the chance to see you enjoying your new school life and you won’t want to miss opportunities to join in with events. There are a number of ways to keep up with the latest news, updates and events. Click on the images below to access our communication platforms.

(Parents/carers are encouraged to keep up to date with us on social media but as per the recommended age we do not advise social media for children under the age of 13)

Class Charts App




Headteacher’s Blog

Parent Calendar

What do our pupils think of our school?

My favourite thing about being a pupil at Milford Haven School is that the teachers are all very approachable and are happy to help at any time (especially my form tutor). I also love the broad variety of subjects.

One thing that I didn’t think I would enjoy as much as I do is sports clubs at break. Before I came to MHS I didn’t do many sports but now I really enjoy going to them.

There is nothing to worry about. The teachers are all very helpful and not scary at all. 

I really like Milford Haven School because you get to choose from lots of different things that you want for lunch, you can even buy ice-cream.

Going to Milford School I was able to meet new people from other primary schools and make new friends. I was feeling very nervous about the change of schools and meeting new people but everyone was feeling the same.

The support at Milford Haven School is phenomenal, there is always someone to go to if you’re struggling or just having a bad day, I know it seems scary but there are so many people who will be there to give their support for you over the next 5 years.

Meet the staff

There will be a lot of new faces when you arrive for school in September. If you want to familiarise yourself with some of the staff who will be on hand to help you click the button below.

see you in september

We hope this transition page has helped ease your nerves about moving schools in September. We hope it has answered all of the questions you may have. However, if you need to know more or would like to speak with someone you can take a look at our school prospectus or email our friendly reception team who will put you in contact with the relevant person. We can’t wait to see you in September. 

Thank You

Finally we would like to extend our thanks to the Milford Haven Cluster schools for supporting us fully in your transition from primary to secondary school.