The Community Champions project will continue to build on the strong foundations that have been developed at Milford Haven School over the last few years that have had huge success in supporting some of the most vulnerable members of our community. We will continue our most successful projects and introduce new ones to meet the needs of the community and help encourage community resilience.
The Community Champions are a group of young people aged between 11 and 16 who will work with the Community Lead to engage with the community of Milford Haven to support residents that are experiencing hardship, poor mental and physical health and who are struggling to thrive. Our Community Champions will take a collaborative approach by working with the Community Champion Lead, local community organisations and charities to link with our community to bring about a lasting impact.
Our Community Champions have created a timetable of events that will take place from September 2022 – July 2023 that will work to improve mental and physical well being by organising physical fitness classes, creative workshops and well being sessions as well as care packages such as food parcels and vouchers. We have teamed up with local charities, community groups, organisations and businesses to deliver these vital resources to our community.
Click below to access our Community Champions Booklet:
Community Champions 22/23