Headteacher’s Blog 19.7.19

I have really enjoyed this academic year, it has been special for me personally as my first full year in the position of Milford Haven School’s Headteacher, but I have also taken great pride from seeing our school community go from strength to strength. The calendar has been bursting with exciting opportunities, good news stories and activities this year, and many of you have really enjoyed a sneak peak at school life via our Facebook page, WEDUC app and these weekly Blog posts. It is very important to me that pupils’ parents, carers and their families feel connected to Milford Haven School, our young people are the future and it is up to us all as the important adults in their lives to make sure that they have the best possible chance for success and happiness.

Thank you to everyone that attended our Community Celebration on Wednesday, it was a true pleasure to recognise so many of our incredible young people and acknowledge their many achievements. Also, thanks to the families of the Bay pupils that attended their special celebration Wednesday afternoon, it was wonderful to welcome so many of you into Milford Haven School for such a positive and special occasion. Finally, thank you to all of our immediate neighbours that came into school Wednesday to celebrate with us the end of another successful school year, our ‘fence line tea party’ is something that we already look forward to hosting again.


A huge diolch and thanks to all parents and carers who continue to consistently support your children with their learning. The minimum expectation that we ask is that your child attends school on time, every day, ready to learn, and in full school uniform. On the topic of uniform, I am conscious that during the holidays many of you will be purchasing new uniform items to kit out pupils ready for their return in September. Please note that there is a comprehensive list on our website clearly outlining what is correct and proper school uniform, so please refer to this guidance if you are unsure prior to purchase.

Last week, pupils at Milford Haven School received further advice and guidance on what to do if they find themselves or someone else being bullied. Pupil safety and well-being is paramount to us at Milford Haven School, therefore we encourage all pupils to let a trusted adult know if they or someone is being bullied. The pupils have put together their own Anti-Bullying Charter which carries the following message:

What is Bullying?

“The repetitive, intentional hurting one person by another, where the relationship involves an imbalance of power. Bullying can be carried out physically, verbally, emotionally or through cyberspace” 

(Anti-Bullying Alliance)

At Milford Haven School, we believe:

  • Bullying of any kind is unacceptable in our school
  • Every member of our learning community has the right to feel welcome, safe and happy
  • All members of the learning community should be treated with respect
  • If bullying happens it will be dealt with quickly and effectively
  • All members of the learning community should know where to get support if something happens


A school poster will be made by the School Council and additional pupil and staff voice will be gained to agree actions that every member of the school will adhere to and sign up to, which will be launched during Anti-bullying week in November.


Meanwhile, with the summer holidays ahead, the following are ‘Top Tips’ if your child is being bullied:

Tips for parents and carers (www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/parenttool) – Get some advice. There are many organisations that can give you some advice. Contact them if you are worried about bullying and want to talk to someone.http://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/advice parents-carers/ 

If your child is being bullied or you think they might be, here are some tips on how to talk to them and prevent further bullying. 

◊ If your child is being bullied, don’t panic. Explain to your child that the bullying is not their fault and together you will sort this out. 

◊ Bullying is never acceptable; and should always be taken seriously. It is never your child’s fault if they’ve been bullied. 

◊ Try and establish the facts. It can be helpful to keep a diary of events. If the bullying is online, save or copy images and text. 

◊ Find out what your child wants to happen. Help to identify steps you can take; and the skills they have to help sort out the situation. Make sure you always keep them informed about any actions you decide to take. During term time, contact school to speak to a member of staff or report it using the report bully button on the school website.

◊ You may be tempted to tell your child to retaliate but this can have unpredictable results. Your child might get into trouble or get even more hurt. Rather – role play non-violent ways they can respond to children that are bullying them (e.g. “I don’t like it when you say that to me / do that to me. Stop.”); show them how to block or unfriend people if the bullying is online and help them identify other friends or adults that can support them. 

◊ Encourage your child to get involved in activities that build their confidence and esteem, and help them to form friendships outside of school (or wherever the bullying is taking place).  


A huge da iawn and congratulations to Leah Harries, over 1’000 applicants applied for a special Summer programme and  Leah is one of only 200 students in the UK to be accepted onto the Sutton Trust USA programme 2019. Leah will spend a week in the USA at the beginning of the summer, with a view to applying to a USA University in the autumn.  The programme aims to support Leah throughout her application, and she is the first student of Milford Haven School to ever to be accepted on to the programme!


IMPORTANT DATES FOR THE DIARY: Pupils of Milford Haven School will return in September on Wednesday 4.9.19, Monday the 2nd and Tuesday the 3rd will be INSET days for staff training and development. INSET 3 is planned for 31.1.20, INSET 4 is planned for 17.7.20 and INSET 5 is planned for 20.7.20. The school calendar for our next academic year has been sent out in report packs this week. Finally, we would like to add a forward notice that there has been an additional INSET day agreed by Welsh Government for all schools in Wales. Currently we are planning for this to be Friday July 3rd, but this will be confirmed when we return in September.





I would also like to take this final opportunity to wish you all a fantastic summer break- have lots of fun, stay safe and let’s hope the sunshine lasts for six more weeks!