Another busy and exciting week here at Milford Haven School, generating lots of good news to share with you all! We also have several dates for your diary detailed below of upcoming events that we hope to see many of you at.

Monday saw us hold the first Family Forum of this academic year, it was great to have so many of you there contributing positively to the school. Please note that dates for all scheduled Family Forum meetings are on our website, and regular reminders will be posted on our social media platforms.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend out KS4 Information Evening last night, we are proud to say that over 160 parents and carers joined us for this event. Last night was a great way for us to introduce many of you to GCSE studies, and help prepare you for the journey ahead. Don’t forget that next Thursday 3rd October we will be holding our Year 11 Parental Engagement Evening. This is an opportunity for parents/carers to meet the Directors of Core subjects, Maths and English and get to grips with the challenges both pupils and parents will face over the coming year. Information will be given on November entries.

Tuesday October 1st from 3.20-4.30pm is our Year 7 ‘Keeping in Touch’ night. If you are a parent or carer of a Year 7 pupil please come along if you can for an informal introduction to your child’s Head of House, House Tutor and Key Stage Manager. This is a great opportunity to see how your children are settling in to secondary education, ask any questions you might have, and put faces to names of some of the key staff that will be supporting your children here at Milford Haven School.

Important announcement: We would like to bring to your attention some information the police shared with us today. There were two events which occurred this week in Ceredigion, when pupils were asked to enter a car while walking home from the school. The police are continuing to investigate, but we would like to take this opportunity to remind our young people of the potential danger of strangers, and the importance of keeping yourself safe. Pupil safety is always our main priority. Wherever possible, pupils should walk home together in pairs or in small groups. They should walk home along the path that is most visible to other members of the public, and if a stranger tries to contact them should walk to a more public area and call for help or phone 999 in an emergency.

Year 7 Boys played Monday night v Coedcae school from Llanelli. It was the first round of the Welsh Cup, and we WON 10-0! An excellent squad performance, and thanks to Milford United Football Club. for the use of the pitch, and also Craig for refereeing in the wind and rain. Onto the next round now, da iawn from some very proud teachers!


Please be aware that the MHS Trailathlon 2019 is now half full, with just over 50% of places being sold in three days. There are still plenty of places left, but if your child is in Year 7 or 8 and would like to take part we would encourage you to hand in your form as soon as possible as places are allocated on a first come first served basis. Once they’re gone, they’re gone. A reminder of the MHS Trailathlon details, the event will start at Stackpole Quay, covering beautiful countryside terrain including Barafundle Bay, with a natural woodland obstacle course enroute offering a muddy challenge. The course will be VERY muddy so we will not be returning clean and tidy children to you at the end of the day! The cost of the day will be £15, which will include transport to and from Stackpole Estate, a marshalled event, plus a goody bag including an event t-shirt for everyone that completes the course. We will be leaving school during lesson 3, and returning to school ready for the end of the day, so pupils are requested to get their lunch at the earlier break time and bring a snack for after the event. All pupils in Years 7 and 8 have been given letters and permission slips, replacements can be collected from Mr C Butland during break or lunchtimes. Completed forms and money are to please be returned to Ms G Baker (glass office in the library) or our AYP Officer Mr C Butland (Male PE office).

Below are the results of the girls fixtures against Haverfordwest on Wednesday night, da iawn pawb:

Year 8 hockey drew with a last minute goal by Hannah Lord.
Coaches players – Keira Evans and Hannah Lord
Players player Brooke Culley

Year 9 hockey took a win with Bethan Owens goal scoring.
Coaches players Bethan Owens and Libby Smart
Players player Maggie May Sturley

Our U16’s played excellent netball against tough opponents, but didn’t give up till that final whistle.
Lots of girls played their first netball match for the school.
Coaches player Erin Sanders
Players player Brogan Morgan

A huge thanks to our sixth form students for hosting out annual Macmillan Coffee Morning today, and a special thank you to Mayor Davies who attended the event as a guest judge for the ‘Bake Off’ competition. It was great to see pupils, staff and the wider community all come together to raise money for such a worthy cause. Today we raised almost £400, and over the past 3 years our Macmillan Coffee Mornings have raised over £1000 for the charity, which is something we are very proud of. Diolch again to all those involved in making today such a success.  

The After School Youth Club @ MHS

Starting – 24th September 2019, every following Tuesday

Time – 1530 – 1710

Where – Breakfast Club Room (A1) And A2

Who – Open to every MHS pupil


Youth Club will run every Tuesday and is very much led by the young people who attend the club. They will choose the activities, projects and direction of the club via committee meetings held every Friday after Lesson 5. Any pupil who is interested in becoming a committee member should please speak to Jimmy (School Based Youth Worker).

All pupils are welcome to have a chat with Jimmy in the Youth Room for more information.

Don’t forget to follow our school facebook page to keep up to date with announcements, important school information, and most importantly photos of your wonderful children doing amazing things! We have a school app, WEDUC, which we also use to effectively communicate messages between school and home. At the present time we have not yet generated login codes for parents and carers of Year 7 pupils, but we are working hard to get these codes to you as soon as possible. Please rest assured though that anything we post on WEDUC also gets posted onto our Facebook page so you don’t miss any updates.