Headteacher’s blog 26.05.2023

Shwmae, welcome back to school and welcome back to this week’s blog. This week our blog is dedicated to our Year 11 Class of 2023. As you prepare to finish your exams and embark on your future, remember to believe in yourself, like we believe in you. Together we aspire and together we achieve. 

A look back on your time at MHS...

Thank you to the

Senior Prefect Team2022/23

Diolch to the Senior Prefect Team of 2022/23 

A letter from your Headteacher

Pob Lwc

Staff and pupils at MHS would like to wish you all the very best of luck in finishing your exams. Please use the revision tools below to help you prepare. 

Revision Booklet
Please use the new MHS Revision Booklet to help you prepare for your final exams
Revision Booklet


Year 11 Prom

Welsh Phrase of the Week

Cymraeg Yr Wythnos

 ‘Pob Lwc

 ‘Good Luck’

Important Information

Please click the link below for full details of our term dates as well as the school calendar. 
A reminder that copies of all the letters we have issued this academic year can be found on the ‘Letters Home’ page of our school website. It is advisable to check this page on a regular basis to ensure that you stay up to date with school information. Link to ‘Letters Home’ website page: https://milfordhavenschool.co.uk/letters-home/
GCSE POD is a fantastic resource which Milford Haven School continues to promote amongst learners and their parents/carers.

GCSE POD holds a wealth of support for a range of subjects, with some content specific for KS3 as well as KS4. Learners are encouraged to use their MHS Google log-in to access the site and start exploring the site which could prove extremely beneficial for our KS4 learners.
Please look at the following parent site tour where you can see what is on offer: https://bit.ly/2P1hJKZ
Young person’s mental health toolkit from HWB.
Below is a link to the young person’s mental health toolkit from HWB, designed for 11 to 25-year-olds. Here you will find six playlists to direct you to a wide range of online resources to help you through the lockdown and beyond. In each of the playlists you’ll find self-help websites, apps, helplines, and more that are here to support your mental health and well-being.
Please remember: if you’re finding it difficult to cope, make sure you speak to someone you trust. Who this might be is different for everyone, but it might include family members or carers, a teacher, a helpline, or a doctor. How you feel is important and lots of people are here to help if you need them.