Da iawn pawb, again a huge thank you and well done to everyone for engaging so positively with online learning.
It has been a pleasure to celebrate so many of our wonderful pupils this week, with all departments selecting ‘Homeschool Heroes’ to acknowledge some of those pupils going above and beyond. I am sure it was a tough decision for staff given how hard all of our pupils are currentling working to continue their learning virtually, and I look forward to celebrating many more MHS pupils next week.
A special da iawn for the positive pupil engagement with the Google Meet Health and Well Being sessions- with 100% attendance achieved for the following house tutor groups:
Milford Community Action (MCA) is a new and exciting project delivered jointly by Milford Haven School & Milford Youth Matters, with collaboration from a variety of local businesses/ groups. The initial funding has come from Gareth Edwards, Group Manager for Prevention and Early Intervention at Pembrokeshire County Council; there is already widespread engagement across the cluster, sharing a selection of resources to support families in need.
A successful transition event was held virtually on February 3rd, where year 11 were invited to a live Q&A with Mrs Griffiths, Careers Wales and representatives from the Admissions Team at Pembrokeshire College. Over 20 learners joined the event and spent an hour asking key questions, based on their current applications. Year 11 learners are encouraged to continue joining live events across post-16 providers in Pembrokeshire, ensuring that they are fully equipped with the information needed to make those all important decisions.