Update- Wednesday March 10th (Free e-book for parents and carers)

We have come across this fantastic resource, an e-book entitled ‘The Truth About Bullying’, that we wanted to share with our school community.
As teachers and school staff we receive professional training and guidance on how to respond to and support young people with bullying, but as parents we can sometimes have to respond to this very sensitive topic with no preparation. We are sharing this easy to use resource which has come highly recommended, and is centred around sharing some simple and effective tools with parents to help positively support conversations with young people who are concerned about bullying. 
Once you have downloaded the e-book (link below) not only will you have free access to this fantastic resource, but you will also receive follow up videos that give helpful tips on supporting your son/daughter.
Please remember that if you or a young person connected to Milford Haven School are concerned about bullying you can electronically report your worries via the Bully Button, you could speak to your child’s Head of House, pupils can also speak to their form tutors or the engagement team if they need someone to talk to for guidance. Support is always available if you need it.