Update- Thursday 10th December 2020 (Important update for Year 7 parents & carers)

We were informed yesterday that an individual at Milford Haven School had tested positive for COVID-19. We would like to reassure you that there is no immediate cause for concern and want to provide you with as much information as possible.
If you have not received a call from school staff today informing you that your child has been identified as a close contact of the positive case reported yesterday, your child is able to return to school as normal tomorrow (Friday 11.12.20). Thank you for your patience and understanding in keeping your children at home today to allow time for a thorough investigation to ensure we continue to best protect our community during this time.
We are working closely with Pembrokeshire County Council and NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect (TTP), and are following all the advice and guidance provided to us. Staff members / pupils who are close contacts of this case have now been identified and will be contacted by the TTP Team and requested to self-isolate for a period of 10 days as a precautionary measure. This process of testing and contact tracing is part of the ‘new normal’ and where schools follow these guidelines carefully, there is no cause for alarm.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that if you, your child or anyone you live with, begins to display the following symptoms you must all stay at home and follow advice from Public Health Wales:
*A new continuous cough and/or
*A high temperature
*A loss of or change in your normal sense of taste or smell.
Diolch, and thank you again for your continued support.