Update- Sunday 3rd January 2021 (Arrangements for the start of Spring Term)

Please see below a copy of the timetable for our first day of the new Spring Term, and here is a link to the most recent letter from our Headteacher outlining arrangements for the first week of school following the Christmas break https://milfordhavenschool.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/3.1.21-CAM-LETTER.pdf. Diolch

Wednesday 6th, Thursday 7th and Friday 8th January- we will be providing pre-booked places only for childcare provision if both sets of parents are key workers / critical care workers.
Please use this booking form to request emergency childcare on the available days if required, http://bit.ly/2WuJYSg.
All requests will be processed by staff on Monday January 4th, and those that request a place will be telephoned by 2pm on Tuesday January 5th. Diolch