Year 7 School Closure Work

Please Choose A Subject From The List Below

Also check your subject Google Classrooms regularly for up-to-date work/instructions.


Use to watch videos on any areas of weakness and answer questions on current work topic.


Develop your writing skills by following the link and completing the tasks here:

Develop your oracy skills by following the link and completing the tasks here:

Develop your reading skills by following the link and completing the tasks here:



Art Homework Project Term 2
Art Homework Project Term 3
Sketchbook Challenges

Please find links on your Art Google Classroom.

Design Technology

Create a poster on symptoms, cause and management of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Research and look into the causes of childhood obesity is there any difference in children over the past 50 years

Healthy eating quiz;

Produce a detailed classroom poster explaining the difference between; ferrous metals, non ferrous metals, alloys, thermoplastics, thermosetting plastics, hardwoods, softwoods and manufactured boards.

Finish off design ideas page if not complete – fully coloured and annotated.
Use A4 paper. Pupils need to write name, date and gwaith dosbarth on the top.
Create 4 different design development stages for their chosen brand/logo from the initial ideas lesson
The 4 logos need to fill the page, be fully coloured and labelled with positive and negative features and what changes have been made at each stage and why

Create a flow diagram to explain the process of tie dye; use pictures, diagrams and descriptions to explain the process.

Use the Google Classroom slides template, work through the example programs on MakeCode, screengrab and include your own program versions.
Use Tinkercad (Class Codes are in Google Classroom and your Nickname is your first name and surname initial added together -no caps no spaces eg jackb) to develop the 3D Printable part of your lamp. If you are not 3D Printing any parts then try to do an accurate, full size drawing of your final design.
Use cereal box card to make a model of your lamp – make it accurate and full size. Take pictures and upload these to the Classroom Slides presentation.
In the Classroom you will also find a takeaway homework sheet with extension tasks.


Please check the Google Classroom for work set by your Drama teacher.


All pupils should look at the google classroom and complete any upgrades and work given to them by their class teachers.


Complete the Year 7 learning pack shared on Google Classroom


Download and complete at least 2 tasks from the Key Stage 3 ICT pack on the department website.
You can also check your ICT Google Classroom for more information.


The Orchestra
Search BBC Ten Pieces Primary Film or click here

Choose one of the pieces to watch and write up a short description about how the instruments are used. You could also do some more research on the pieces. Work can be written by hand or emailed in.


Log in and work on Linguascope tasks.


All work can be found in our Google Classroom. Individual pupils are able to access this.


All work can be found in our Google Classroom. Individual pupils are able to access this.