Grant Funding

Why is grant funding important, and how is it used at MHS?

Grants are an important component of expanding and enhancing the educational provision and services for pupils here at MHS, as well as the wider community. Grant funding allows us to offer unique opportunities and strands of support that wouldn’t otherwise be feasible within the standard school budget.


Children whose families are on lower incomes and qualify for certain benefits can apply for a grant of:

  • £125 per learner
  • £200 for learners entering year 7 (to help with increased costs associated with starting secondary school)

All compulsory school years from reception to year 11 are now eligible.

All looked after children qualify for the grant, whether they receive free school meals or not. Learners who receive free school meals due to transitional protection arrangements do not qualify.

Families are only entitled to claim once per child, per school year.

What can you use it for? 

  • School uniform and footwear 
  • Sports equipment and kit 
  • School activities, including musical lessons, school trips and after school clubs 
  • Classroom essentials, including pens, pencils and school bags
  • Laptop or tablet 

The 24/25 round of this scheme is currently open and will close on 31st May 2025. 

To apply for this grant please click here

PDG (Pupil Deprivation Grant) 2024/25

The Pupil Development Grant (PDG) is allocated to schools with pupils who come from low income families and are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (eFSM). Schools are expected to make
the best use of this funding to implement sustainable strategies that will quickly bring about changes for learners eligible for free school meals or who are LAC (looked after children).

To apply for free school meals please contact your local authority via this link: 

The Pupil Development/Equity Grant (PDG) is allocated to schools with pupils who come from low-income families and are currently known to be eligible for free school meals as reported in the January 2024 Pupil Level Annual Census (PLASC) return and pupils who have been looked after as reported in the April 2024 (LAC).

Schools are expected to make the best use of this funding to implement sustainable strategies that will quickly bring about changes for learners eligible for free school meals or who are LAC.

As a school we have agreed the following three steps:

To identify the target group of pupils, its characteristics and needs;
To plan interventions which make the most effective use of resources;
To monitor and evaluate the impact of resources.
In 2024-2025 Milford Haven School was provided with a PDG/Equity allocation of £263,350.00

Milford Haven School has developed a comprehensive plan, which will be agreed and monitored by Pembrokeshire Local Authority and Partneriaeth to promote progress and remove barriers to learning for students eligible for this funding.

The purpose of targeted and planned PDG/Equity interventions and strategies are to directly reduce the attainment gap between FSM and non-FSM pupils.  All interventions and activities will aim to improve literacy and numeracy; increase school attendance; improve the engagement with schools by families and communities.

Overall, the plan will seek to foster the value of learning across the school by working with pupils, families, schools and community, in a bid to improve aspiration and learning whilst working towards tackling poverty and provision gaps. This can only be achieved through a cohesive and coordinated PDG/Equity Plan that is embedded and links with the School Development Plan.  This will be achieved through the delivery of clear interventions that are managed and resourced with robust monitoring and evaluation systems.

The specific strategies to be included from September 2024 are:-

  • Raise standards across Key Stages 3 and 4 including support through Heads of House, Directors of AOLEs, Pastoral Support, the Youth Worker and the School Counsellor.
  • Improve pupils’ attendance through the provision of an ongoing programme of after school activities and enrichment activities.
  • Raising Aspirations through the provision of an engaging programme of activities for pupils across the school.
  • Further develop resilience and confidence through a range of targeted interventions and support.
  • Improve parental engagement and access to the curriculum.


PDG School Plan 2024/25


The School Standards Grant

The Schools Standards Grant is being used to support schools’ standards. The funding allows schools
to put in place practical support to help improve the educational attainment of our year 7 and 8
pupils and ensure their performance is in line with expectations. As a school, we aim to ensure that
every pupil reaches their potential with targeted interventions to ensure that all learners benefit as
individuals, whilst the whole school also develops its ability to support every learner to achieve their
full potential.

In 2024 -25, Milford Haven School was provided with an initial budget of £168,096. The spending
plan links into our whole school development plan and was approved by governors.

The key priorities are:
● Recover and raise literacy and numeracy standards in years 7 and 8.
● Ensure performance is in line with the available benchmark data or better.
● Maintain focus on the performance of eFSM pupils and girls through years 7 & 8.
● Development of independent learning skills, motivation and enjoyment of learning, to
enable and encourage learners in all groups to make accelerated progress and, where
appropriate, by working more effectively alone and out of school.
● Literacy including oracy, numeracy and digital competence developed and applied within a
broad, balanced and engaging curriculum. This will include higher order reading and writing
skills, high level mathematics where relevant, and digital competence at the appropriate
level and as relevant to learners progressing with their qualifications.
● Support and engagement through coaching – this in recognition that learners may need
coaching, emotional support and relationship building as well as support for examination
preparation and skills for those undertaking qualifications.

Examples we have used the funding available for are:
●Year 7 and 8 literacy & numeracy support for identified pupils.
●Online literacy tool Lexia used with our year 7 and 8 ALN pupils to support grammar
and vocab skills.
●Subscription to the accelerated reader programme for our year 7 and 8 pupils to
manage and monitor our pupils independent reading practice and set goals.
●Literacy and numeracy Learning Support Assistants in place.
●Empathy reading with year 7 and 8 pupils.
●Reciprocal reading lessons and fresh start intervention for those below their
chronological age.
●Supporting pupils to make progress in learning through the delivery of support in
academic lessons in the Curriculum support provision.
●Provide tailored catch-up / revision opportunities for learners to achieve their
potential, with a focus on efsm and MAT.
●Provide TIS support for learners in years 7-11.
●Provide check-ins for key learners in year 7 to support transition needs.

22/23 Grant Funded Projects

Community Champions Project

Funded by Comic Relief Community Fund in Wales

The Community Champions project will continue to build on the strong foundations that have been developed at Milford Haven School over the last few years that have had huge success in supporting some of the most vulnerable members of our community. We will continue our most successful projects and introduce new ones to meet the needs of the community and help encourage community resilience. 

The Community Champions are a group of young people aged between 11 and 16 who will work with the Community Lead to engage with the community of Milford Haven to support residents that are experiencing hardship, poor mental and physical health and who are struggling to thrive. Our Community Champions will take a collaborative approach by working with the Community Champion Lead, local community organisations and charities to link with our community to bring about a lasting impact. 

Our Community Champions have created a timetable of events that will take place from September 2022 – July 2023 that will work to improve mental and physical well being by organising physical fitness classes, creative workshops and well being sessions as well as care packages such as food parcels and vouchers. We have teamed up with local charities, community groups, organisations and businesses to deliver these vital resources to our community. 

Click below to access our Community Champions Booklet: 

Community Champions 22/23