Defender – Diffynnwr

Croeso i’r Diffynnwr!







Defender house is a supportive community who care, help and encourage you to achieve the best! Each individual is a valued person and will be listened to with respect.  Defender House aims to discover the best in each pupil and challenge them to go beyond their expectations and to dream the biggest dreams.  All of this will make you ready to be an ethically informed, creative, healthy and independent individual that will achieve greatness!

Diffynnwr aims

Be your family away from home. 

Guide you on the right path and encourage you to focus on developing your strengths. 

Support and guide you through important choices that will shape you and your exciting future. 

Encourage you to push your limits every day!

Diffynnwr vision

 Have a positive attitude to learning

Have positive behaviour

Attend school and lessons


Head of Defender House

Mrs C Wilcox


House Captains 2024/25

Capteniaid Diffynnwr

House Captain
n Tŷ
Riley Barn

Junior Captain
Captain Iau
 Isabelle Phillips

Welsh Captain
Capten Cymraeg
Zara Shaik & Evie Thomas


Vice Captain
Is Capten
Maisie Phillips

Sports Captain
Capten Chwaraeon
Summer Silvester

Attendance Captain
Capten Presenoldeb
Zara Shaik & Evie Thomas

Eisteddfod Cup Winners 22/23

Defender House Charity 2023/24

Each of our four Houses have a chosen charity that they support during the year, this year Defender House have chosen to support PATCH, which is s a charitable organisation aiming to relieve the effects of poverty for individuals and families within the county of Pembrokeshire.

Mrs Wilcox, Head of Defender House, is pictured below giving PATCH a cheque for £100! This money was raised at community events such as the Christmas Bingo, and it would not have been possible for us to raise these much needed funds without the ongoing support of the community. Da iawn to all those in Defender House that have worked hard and contributed to raising this fantastic amount of money for a very worthy local cause. Diolch yn fawr.

Head of Defender House Mrs Wilcox donating Easter Eggs to PATCH. 

Head of Defender House Mrs Wilcox and Communications and Grants Officer Miss Crolla delivering over 70 presents to PATCH for the annual Toy Appeal. These presents were kindly donated by MHS staff for children in need within our community.