Develop your writing skills by following the link and completing the tasks here:
Develop your oracy skills by following the link and completing the tasks here:
Develop your reading skills by following the link and completing the tasks here:
All pupils should look at the google classroom and complete any upgrades and work given to them by their class teachers.
Log in and work on Linguascope tasks.
Please refer to your WBQ Google Classroom where there are instructions for coursework and how to submit.
Please visit your Google Classroom to access resources and tasks.
All pupils should look at the google classroom and complete any upgrades and work given to them by their class teachers.
Please see google classroom for work. Onshape/SketchUp tutorials. Work on planned build module. Year 11 please ensure your Gantt Chart and Method statements are complete, pay particular attention to the Distinction Elements (Roles of 3 professionals, Sequencing the build and Factors that could affect the build).
Use Google Classrooms, complete CAD tasks (Sketchup MicroMan and Onshape Lathe Tool Holder). If you need extension work you can join the CAD Classroom twdc3cjh, here you will see the Disc Brake rotor and other tasks.
Work can be found on google classroom.
Complete the unit 2 work you have been provided with using the resources given.
All pupils should look at the google classroom and complete any upgrades and work given to them by their class teachers.
Complete assignment on Google Classroom – Coronavirus awareness campaign!
All pupils should look at the google classroom and complete any upgrades and work given to them by their class teachers.
‘Hunger Games’ revision work on Classroom.
Camera angles work onto Classroom.
Pop Music
Listen to your favourite song at the moment. Write a review for the Milford Mercury encouraging people to buy the record. Include MUSICAL descriptions of the song and include some background information. Work can be brought into school on return or emailed in.
Write an extended piece of writing about free time using everything covered so far. All presentations will be on Google Drive.
Complete past papers shared by Mrs A.Seveno-Barraclough via Google Classroom.
Complete all pages in learning booklets (Cuaderno Listos 1).
Go through this spanish revision booklet.
Work through KS3 Spanish: Me, my family and friends/Free time activities/Where I live/School/ Introduce yourself. GCSE Spanish: Reading workbook/ WJEC Role plays
Pupils have access to their work on google classroom. They should use the time to make any corrections that have already been marked and start to work on any other available assignments in the classroom.
Please check our Google Classroom for the PowerPoint to go with each of the Sweet books. Complete every task you can in your copied books, using the PowerPoint to support you.
Pupils have access to their work on google classroom. They should use the time to make any corrections that have already been marked and start to work on any other available assignments in the classroom.
Visit Google Classroom for information and work.
All work can be found in our Yr 9 GS folder on Google Classroom. Individual pupils are able to access this.
TTRockstars is an interactive maths game which reinforces multiplication and division facts. All pupils have their individual logins with them.
Lexia is an online resource which we use to develop reading and spelling strategies. Pupils also have individual logins for this.
This is all in addition to the booklets which have gone out from school.