Update- Monday 15th June 2020 (Message from PCC regarding changes to Hub provision for critical workers)

Changes to School Hub Booking Systems


Critical workers in Pembrokeshire whose children have been attending school hubs during the pandemic are being notified of changes to the current arrangements.

From the 22nd June onwards, children of critical workers who have been attending school hubs will return to their original schools.

Children from other families will return to school, if their parents wish, from the week beginning the 29th June as already announced by the Welsh Government. These children will be able to attend during school hours only. No after-school or extracurricular activities will be offered.

Until now, key workers have booked school places for their children via the Council’s Covid Booking Team. However, they will need to book directly with their school for the month of June and for the month of July.

Booking forms have been distributed and must be completed and returned by 5pm on Thursday, 18th June to allow the information to be transferred to the school setting.

After this date the booking system will close.

Amendments to bookings from the 22nd of June and for the month of July will need to be made directly with the school.

Critical workers are asked to only book the days they require and to inform the booking team or school immediately if they no longer need childcare.

“I would like to personally thank you for all the hard work you have contributed towards the Covid 19 effort,” said Steven Richard-Downes, Acting Director for Children and Schools in a letter to the key workers.

“I hope the hub system we set up in Pembrokeshire assisted you all into impacting towards this.

“I am aware from the education staff and emails received from parents that many of the children have had a wonderful time in the hubs in such an unprecedented situation.

“Moving forward, I am sure you are in agreement that the children will enjoy returning to see their teachers and friends before the summer break and new term.”

Mr Richard-Downes added:

“If there are any changes to the dates, we will update you accordingly.”