Dear Parents/Carer,
We are at the point in the school year where choices are playing a prominent part in everyone’s thinking. Year 9 have just finished considering their KS4 options, Year 11 are holding discussions with sixth form pastoral staff about the subjects that they have asked to study next year and members of Year 13 are seeking to gain the grades required to progress on to their chosen future pathway. Here at Milford Haven School we try to offer as broad a choice as possible and our curriculum is designed to be personalised to adapt to the individual needs of students.
Our Chair of Governors, Mrs Pat James, recently came into school to present a cheque for £336, which she received on behalf of the school from the Pembrokeshire Federation of Wis Anything Goes raffle. This wonderful donation has been presented to the new Hafan provision at our school. The money will be used to enhance the environment and purchase some much needed resources for the pupils. We are tremendously thankful for the donation and appreciate the ongoing and overwhelming support of the local community.
We are very proud of the specially selected football team that recently represented MHS in football tournament in Tenby. We hope you enjoyed the photos that we shared of the players on our school Facebook page- if you don’t already follow us on Facebook please take a look at our page as we use it to regularly update you on as much of school life as possible.
Congratulations to all of the pupils that took part in our ‘Inter House Hockey Tournament’ this week. A special thank you to the sports council who organised the event with the support of staff, your hard work clearly paid off with the tournament being such a success- and it helped the weather was on your side too!
‘Love On The Rocks’ is a nationwide movement, and the premise of it is to paint & decorate rocks then hide in random locations to spread some smiles and fun. Some of our MHS pupils have decorated rocks and hidden them around Milford Haven town to try and spread some happiness within the community. Thank you to all those who have taken part in this fun and exciting opportunity, please feel free to let us know if you find any of our hidden rocks and we will keep you updated on local finds via our school facebook page with photos.
A further thank you to all of the parents & carers that were able to attend the Year 8 parents evening last night, it was great to welcome so many of you to MHS and have the opportunity to update you on your child’s progress.
On Friday 4th May we will be hosting our next ALN drop in session from 9am-10am. Any parents that would like to come in and speak to the ALNCO about their child, and any additional needs that they may have, are welcome to pop into school and speak with Mrs Reynolds. No appointment is necessary.
National Testing continues next week. To reiterate what was said in the last newsletter, if you are asking ‘What can I do to support my child with these tests?’ there are links to support materials on the Welsh Government website which can be found on our school website. Alternatively, visit the Learning Wales Website directly and follow the links. We would like to stress the importance of attendance in school for
these tests and look forward to your support in this matter.
Students in Year 11 and 12 will find themselves starting public examinations, with Year 13 students following close behind. It is crucially important that students take every chance over the coming weeks to maximise their potential grades. Students should be spending a couple of hours each day revising, whilst members of the sixth form should be doing considerably more.
GCSE POD- All Year 11 and 10 pupils should have logged on to this is a valuable resource containing a variety of support materials to aid students with their c;tudies and revision. Please encourage your son or daughter to use this excellent resource. especially on the now short run up to GCSE exams. If you have any queries about GCSE pod please contact Mrs Davies, Deputy Headteacher.
Learning Coaches are a fantastic resource for KS4 pupils. especially during this crucial time of the run up to exams. Students in year 10 and 11 have access to sessions with the learning coaches every day after school for FREE tuition and support with their exam preparation and revision. We encourage all KS4 students to take advantage of this support.
Hot Chocolate Friday continues. and we are taking the opportunity every Friday afternoon to celebrate some of the achievements of our students both in and out of school. Congratulations to all those pupils that have already been selected. We look forward to rewarding more pupils for their successes in the coming weeks.
The Year 11 prom will take place on July 6th and is an opportunity for us to thank and reward all of those pupils in Year 11 that have continually shown a positive attitude to their learning and have had good school attendance. Some parents and pupils have been asking recently about arrangements so we wanted to confirm that tickets will be £11, and can be purchased from 14.5.18 – 25.5.18 at lunchtimes only, from Mrs Griffiths (Head of Year 11).
I would like to wish everyone in the school community a restful and enjoyable weekend.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Ceri-Ann Morris