GCSE Information and Communication Technology
Functions of the Operating System
All the computers that we use need an operating system. It may be a large mainframe computer running UNIX, a desktop PC running Windows XP, or a handheld computer running Palm OS. All these systems need an operating system to make sure all the programs run smoothly.
The operating system is a collection of special pieces of software that help the computer to operate normally. The operating system has two main sets of functions:
This is the set of programs that is held in ROM and is run once the computer first starts (boots up). The Basic Input/Output Systems software in a desktop PC allow the computer chips to accept data from a keyboard and display text and numbers on a VDU. Without the BIOS the computer would be effectively deaf and dumb: unable to communicate. As extra input and output devices (peripherals) are added then extra bits of software (called drivers) need to be loaded so that the computer can accept data input or send data output. For example, when you buy a new printer, you have to load some special software (the printer drivers) that enable the operating system to communicate with the new hardware.
System Resources
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