A Family Forum is a body of parents and carers, which represents parents and carers and provides a forum for them to put forward their views to the Headteacher, Leadership Team and Governing Body.
It is a forum through which parents and carers can learn more about the school, and how they can be involved in it, be provided with information and encouraged to network with others parents and carers.
The Family Forum will strengthen the partnership between parents/carers and the school. The principle idea of the forum is to provide parents and carers with an opportunity to contribute to school life. The parent forum aims to encourage parents and carers to take an active role in school life as well as providing parents and carers with the opportunity to give your valued opinions on specific areas of school life.
To register future interest in events or put forward topics for discussion please email parentforummhs@gmail.com, ensuring you include your full name and Form Group of your child in your email message. Diolch.
Parents and carers are a driving force behind their children’s achievements, but also for improving the School system as a whole. The Family Forum gives parents and carers a route to express their opinions and ideas and the School and the Governing Body a means to sound out parents’ and carers’ views on decisions about the strategic direction of the School.
The Family Forum also supports the Governing Body in promoting the well-being of students. Most parents and carers value not only educational achievement at the School, but a commitment to a positive ethos and a range of activities and opportunities beyond the formal curriculum.
Involvement in the Family Forum is an opportunity to generate a culture of genuine participation, and an attempt to reach all parents including disengaged parents and carers of particular groups of students who may face significant barriers to their inclusion.
Like you, we want the very best for your children. This means that their happiness, interests, needs, values, friendships and health and safety are very important to us, as well as their academic progress. From time to time things may be challenging for young people. When this happens, let us know and our dedicated, committed and knowledgeable staff can work with you to help put it right. Remember that we can best support your child by working effectively together.
The Family Forum is not a forum for parents and carers to complain about individual members of staff nor does it have a role in dealing with complaints from individual parents.
The Family Forum is intended to make a positive contribution to the life of the School by putting forward the views of parents and carers to the Governing Body.
Comments about the management or operation of the School should be expressed in general terms rather than in terms of a particular individual. The Family Forum accepts that it is not a decision making body, but an opportunity to influence and contribute to the running of the school.
The Parent Forum is not a fundraising body.