Blog 5.6.20

Welcome back! We hope that you all enjoyed a safe half term, and after a glorious dose of sunshine are now ready & recharged for the final 8 weeks of term. Although the next 8 weeks will no doubt look slightly different to our usual last half term of an academic year, we are still here to support our MHS family however you need us.

Teaching staff are still working hard remotely to ensure that our pupils are able to continue their learning journey at home as best they can, and support staff will be checking in with pupils to ensure we get a virtual dose of TLC. Our senior leadership team are busy behind the scenes planning next steps towards returning to normal, and it is evident that you are all doing your absolute best at home given the challenging circumstances we face. All in all it is clear that the whole MHS team are working hard, and we are proud of everyone for the vital role that they are playing in supporting our young people.

Please continue to monitor our usual methods of communication so we can keep you as up to date as possible with useful information and guidance over the coming weeks. Stay safe. ⚓️

Many of you will have seen the announcement by the Minister for Education in Wales this week that schools will re-open on Monday June 29th 2020. There were some key points highlighted in the announcement, and although schools will be re-opening at the end of the month we will by no means be returning to normal.

For those children that need to access the Hub Schools between now and June 29th, they will continue to operate as they have been.

MHS will be open to all pupils from June 29th, but this will be a phased approach so pupils will be attending for limited periods of time during the week. This is so we have a maximum of one third of the student body in school at any given time.

The Summer Term has been extended by one week to now end July 27th 2020. In relation to this decision the Autumn half term has been extended from one to two weeks.

If you decide not to send your children back to school when we reopen you will not be fined, we understand that we are all in unique family circumstances and that as parents and carers you will individually decide what is best for your children at this time. Any children that remain at home can continue with their online learning and will still have access to support from us remotely.

Virtual learning will continue for all pupils going forward, and it is expected that for some time schools in Wales will operate a blended learning environment- a mixture of home learning and in school sessions.

We have now been tasked with spending the next 3 weeks carefully planning for the return of staff and pupils and Milford Haven School. We have to plan the opening of the school very carefully to ensure that we operate as safely as possible, with social distancing and hygiene being at the forefront of our day to day working – for the children, the staff and yourselves as parents/carers. We will share the details of these plans with you as and when they develop.

Thank you for your continued support, and stay safe.

Our first week of this half term has flown by, but that means it is time for ‘Seren Yr Wythnos’ and our favourite way to end the week is celebrating some of the wonderful achievements of MHS pupils!

Mari Owen and Rebecca Evans-Critten for fab work and doing their form proud.

Cariad Picton for being immeasurably positive and working extremely hard throughout lock down.

Andrei Baban for always being polite and participating in tasks with great enthusiasm, and also Wayne Armstrong for keeping in contact & sharing his efforts.

Elin Lloyd for breaking world records and producing a fantastic planner design.

Some of you have expressed that during this lock down period your routines and sleep patterns have been very different to normal and sometimes a barrier to you feeling your best.

We feel that a good night’s sleep is the magic ingredient to a successful day, and so please see below a webinar that specifically focuses on teen sleep with lots of practical suggestions on how you can support better quality sleep for your children.…

Please see below a link to a fantastic digital wellbeing resource. This family guide for children and technology offers a platform for discussion with your families about positive and safe use of technology.

We highly recommend this fantastic tool!


Due to Covid19 and the current situation we find ourselves in, the traditional Year 6 program of transition activities have had to be dramatically adjusted. As such this years’ Year 6 pupils will be involved in a virtual transition project, and you will find on our transition website page a host of resources to support a positive transition into secondary school specific to the CVD19 circumstances we face this year.

Oherwydd Covid19 a’r sefyllfa bresennol rydyn ni’n cael ein hunain ynddi, bu’n rhaid addasu’r rhaglen draddodiadol o weithgareddau pontio Blwyddyn 6 yn ddramatig. Yn hynny o beth, bydd disgyblion Blwyddyn 6 eleni yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiect pontio rhithwir, a gwelwch chi ar y dudalen hon lu o adnoddau i gefnogi trosglwyddiad cadarnhaol i ysgol uwchradd sy’n benodol i’r amgylchiadau CVD19 sy’n ein hwynebu eleni.

It is with great sadness we have learnt that Pat Bryon (Former Head Girl of Milford Haven Grammar School)   has passed away, our thoughts are with her family and friends during this difficult time.